ANCH1240 – The Rise of Ancient Greece: Greek History to the 4th Century BC
A survey of early Greek history and society in the light of literary and archaeological evidence....
ANCH1240A survey of early Greek history and society in the light of literary and archaeological evidence....
ANCH1240A survey of Roman history and society from the eighth century BC to the early first century AD. The...
ANCH1250This course uses written and visual sources to examine public and private roles of religion, and...
ANCH2030This course is designed to study various aspects of the interrelationship between Classical...
ANCH2090This course is designed to explore the role which seafaring played in ancient Mediterranean...
ANCH2110A study of the career and influence of Alexander the Great of Macedon. Emphasis will be placed on...
ANCH2130A survey of the major achievements of Roman visual arts and architecture and the influences that...
ANCH2270An overview of Ancient History from the Bronze Age to Late Antiquity which studies the evidence and...
ANCH2500This course will examine a topic in Greek history, or Greek culture more broadly, in a manner...
ANCH3020Up to 20000 words to be written on a topic chosen by the student subject to the approval of the...
ANCH6850Family life in the ancient world was just as varied and at times problematic as it is in the modern...
ANCH6910This course introduces modern Asia by means of thematic and comparative analysis of social and...
HIST1102Using contemporary issues in Australia - race, immigration, culture, environment, politics and...
HIST1201This course examines the creation of a European identity. Topics to be discussed include Roman...
HIST1400Surveys how powerful forces and factors at work on large time-scales have shaped human history....