
CHEE3004 – Unit Operations

Lecturer Dr Linda Kotta
Course Link UQ Site
Faculty EAIT
Prerequisites CHEE3002 + CHEE3003
Contact Hours 2 Lecture hours, 2 Tutorial hours, 1 Practical or Laboratory hour
Semester(s) Taught Semester 2
Course Units 2
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Learning Materials ( 4 )
Learning Activities ( 22 )
Blackboard Management ( 1 )
Course Content ( 52 )
Course Structure ( 1 )
Contact Availability ( 1 )
Course Difficulty ( 50 )

Reviews (1)

CHEE3004 – Unit Operations 18.7

After the change of the course coordinator in 2015 this course under Tom Rufford has become quite ridiculous. While giving no substantial guidance and minimum feedback grades are awarded for things like communications and leadership with no significant basis. It is not clear or understandable why or how the grades are awarded, it might as well be the liking or disliking of a student. Don't waste your time and effort on this course since it can be used more appropriately elsewhere, subjects which actually provide you with knowledge. Tom shows minimal support and understanding throughout the course and the mentors are mostly away from campus, and therefore unable to provide any help.

Semester taken

Semester 2 - 2015

Your program/major

Chemical engineering

Is lecture attendance necessary?


Is the textbook necessary?


Positives No positive points
Negatives No negative points
Posted on December 2, 2015 12:02 pm

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