

Total average


Learning Materials ( 83 )
Learning Activities ( 79.7 )
Blackboard Management ( 78.8 )
Course Content ( 85.2 )
Course Structure ( 85 )
Contact Availability ( 80 )
Course Difficulty ( 49.7 )

Reviews (6)

CRIM1000 – Introduction to Criminology 86.4

This course is pretty easy and interesting especially if you keep up throughout the semester. The course is mainly focused on different criminology theories throughout the times, though there is not a lot of 'real-world application.'

Tutorial attendance gets you an easy 20% as long as you show up and hand in the worksheet (not marked on correctness, just participation). The final exam is multiple choice and pretty straightforward if you know all the lecture slide content and attend tutorials. Not hard to get high marks and make up for a lower essay mark if that's where you trip up.

This semester was a little messy with a lecture time change after the first week, as well as late posting of essay questions (though deadline was obviously extended).

I wasn't always up to date with lectures but tutorials do help a little, and revision of lecture slides is enough to get good marks if you understand the concepts. Overall pretty easy to get a 7 if you put in a little effort, so good to take as an elective to boost your GPA.

Semester taken

Semester 2 - 2015

Your program/major


Is lecture attendance necessary?

No - you can listen online if you don\'t understand the concepts in the slides

Is the textbook necessary?


  • Straightforward content
  • Don't need textbook
  • Easy to get good marks
Negatives No negative points
Posted on December 15, 2015 4:33 pm
CRIM1000 – Introduction to Criminology 69.0

This course was quite easy, I found a lot of the content was general knowledge or easily figured out. There was also a lot of extra material available. The 2% per tutorial exercises though frustrated me, it seemed like such a cop out. 20% of final grade was showing up to tutorials and (usually in groups) going through a worksheet.

Also, although the structure of the course was well set out, having the lecture time, day and place change was a huge inconvenience. Originally in the schonell theatre on Tuesdays 4-6, it was changed after the first lecture to Monday 12-2 which I know screwed a few people up, including myself. So be warned!

The exam was pretty straight-forward and as long as you kept up with the content you would be fine. I didn't get the textbook as this was an elective and still passed the course.

Semester taken

Semester 2 - 2015

Your program/major


Is lecture attendance necessary?

Not if you listen online - although they can stuff up

Is the textbook necessary?


  • No need for textbook
  • Easily understood content
  • random time change
  • compulsory 2% tutorials
Posted on December 3, 2015 7:42 pm
CRIM1000 – Introduction to Criminology 73.9

This course was easy as long as you keep up with the content. The assignment topics are always changing to keep up with current events so it makes for interesting research. Beware of the final exam it covers all 12 weeks of content!

Semester taken

Semester 1 - 2015

Your program/major

B Commerce/ B Arts

Is lecture attendance necessary?

no- slides are sufficient however lecture is entertaining

Is the textbook necessary?

no-and very expensive

  • Tutorials were very helpful
  • lectures would often finish early
  • lectures were sometimes drawn out
  • Harsh marking of assessment
Posted on October 19, 2015 11:45 am
CRIM1000 – Introduction to Criminology 83.3

If you look up this course and find that Lacey Schaefer is teaching it in your semester, you're in luck!

Lacey ended up being one of my favourite lecturers of all time - funny, aggressive, knowledgable and occasionally bringing in random anecdotes from her life that were relevant to the topic. The lecture slides were written out clearly, and the tutorials ended up ACTUALLY reinforcing what you learned earlier in the day by using recent news articles to apply theories.

Best part about this course though, is the straightforward and relevant final exam. It tested me on cornerstone theories that have been applied in CRIM courses that are "higher up" in terms of difficulty. I know its a compulsory subject for criminology students to take, but you're lucky its a fascinating one to do. If you study hard and make sure you understand the major concepts in this class - all other crim classes are made that much easier.

P.S. Lacey has a terrible fear of moths (convinced they carry knives, I think), so be patient when she realises there is one in the room - it may take a while for her to crawl out from under a desk.

BUY THE TEXTBOOK. It's references at the back are the most useful thing I've had for my crim assignments ever! Need to cite reputable theories? Check for theory, find reference, use said reference.

Semester taken

Semester 2 - 2013

Your program/major


  • learn theories you reuse a lot
  • easy to follow structure
  • Lacey's colourful dresses
  • moth attacks
  • lecture slides were a little late to blackboard
Posted on March 5, 2014 11:22 pm
Georgia Young
CRIM1000 – Introduction to Criminology 94.2

I thoroughly enjoyed Dr Lacey's teaching style. I took the course semester two of 2013. I loved the assessment tasks I found them enjoyable to write up and the final exam was clear as to what study for.

Semester taken

Semester 2 - 2013

Your program/major

Bachelor of Psychological Science

  • The tutors were very surportive
  • Interesting Content
  • Lecture slides were sometimes late to be posted on blackboard
  • Textbook was not really needed.
Posted on March 2, 2014 5:49 pm
CRIM1000 – Introduction to Criminology 71.5

The course was very interesting. The lecturer, Dr Robin Fitzgerald was very good and knowledgeable. There were always extra extended readings suggested so that you could increase your knowledge base. The paper required for the course had three different topics available so it was easier to choose one that you understood better and could play to your strengths. Overall a very well structured and interesting course.

Semester taken

Semester 1 - 2013

Your program/major

BA/BSc Dual - Single Criminology Major

Positives No positive points
Negatives No negative points
Posted on February 28, 2014 10:34 am

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