Dr Andre Pekerti
Faculty | Business |
Courses Taught | IBUS3309 |
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Faculty | Business |
Courses Taught | IBUS3309 |
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I honestly have not been so opposed to a lecturer in my life. I did well in his course, but he as a person is so vehemently obnoxious it was painful. He is really into spouting PC bullshit and grandstanding and almost all of the content he taught is, if you read the literature, insignifiant or wrong. I recommend grabbing the cultural business textbook they prescribe and just reading that.
Only faculty I didn't like, just so outragously arrogant despite teaching nothing of consequence to the real world.
I believe that Andre is a very passionate lecturer. He engages with his students directly by asking them to voluntarily participate in the class. One of the best lecturer in UQ I've encountered so far! His teachings are very unique, though he does go off into his own personal perspective, he helped with giving a clear example of what the topic is about. He gives very relevant examples and thoroughly goes through every single topic/term with detail.
The course structure was given at the beginning of every lecture with reasons as a complementary which I personally took into liking.
However, the downside was the assignment that was not clearly explained. Both the individual and group assignment was very vague and to understand you will need to constantly ask either the tutor or himself to explain. The good side was that they show you an example of what they expect, so you won't completely be lost in writing the paper.
I personally learnt a lot from this subject and Andre did facilitate in every way possible.
The worst course I have done in 4 years at UQ. Nothing he did helped me to learn. This entire course made me hate my degree and if I had the option i would have changed. He is the absolute worst tutor I have had to deal with. Came to approximately three tutorials before making someone else take over. Schedules his consults in tutorial times, obviously he needed to schedule more consult times considering NO ONE in this course actually understands what andre wants out of assessment least of all andre. If I ever have to do another class with him as the tutor I would preferably not graduate than have to go through the confusing, conflicting and ambiguous thing he calls a course.
Nice enough guy obviously passionate and knowledgeable in his field but the worst coordinated course I have ever had the displeasure of having to do. The marking criteria was unclear (he would give out a marking criteria then mark using his own unofficial marking suggestions), marked the first group presentations (the only ones he actually came to) incredibly easy but everyone else was marked harshly because Andre left the tutorials and someone else was now marking. absolutely no consistency with feedback or marking. The individual essay was ridiculous almost like he was told by the university that he needed another piece of assessment to complete his requirements for the semester (when asked about the essay he just said make it up if you want... not exactly what I want to hear when Im paying money to learn and get my degree). He will mark incredibly easy for assessment that he gives feedback face-to-face on and then when it is assessment that feedback is given over the computer he grades harshly. Then does not come to tutorials because he doesn't want to hear how much people hate the course.
He will state a theory title, reference it but not tell you if it is something you should know about for the final exam. When asked what will be on the final exam, andre even says he hasnt decided...3 weeks before the exam time.. doesent make studying easy AT ALL. past exams are on topics that he has mentioned once in the lectures and has one sentence in the textbook. I have never been in a course where all the people I have spoken with dislike the course so much. It is ambiguously run and no one I have spoken to has enjoyed this course, myself included. I was talking to another tutor in another course about 3309 and without even mentioning the course code or title they knew I was talking about 3309 and said it was interesting to hear nothing has changed regarding how poorly this course has been run ever since they took it years ago.
How he is still allowed to be teaching at such a poor level at such a highly regarded university is a joke. I have never felt such disgust and hatred towards the university or a lecturer previously.
Literally, the worst lecturer I have had at UQ. not helpful in the slightest and for a lecturer of 'managing across cultures', doesn't seem to practise what he teaches. Would recommend students reconsider taking this course.
Similar to the majority of reviews, yes this course was run very badly, in terms of aiding students in their learning (missing lectures slides is ridiculous, we are not in high school). I believe our lecturer could have done a lot better, but I want to point out a side to the course that most annoyed me; the structure and outlines of the assessment pieces.
A lot of comments have been made about the average mark of 4 in the group assignment. This was difficult because of the broad nature of a ‘group cultural shock’, especially considering most groups did religions which can be argued are or are not a specific culture. The individual assignment, we were told to ‘do what you want with it!’. It suggested using a personal experience or if you didn't have one, make one up. From feedback, an email said to make it as extreme as possible. This positions a personal experience as inferior to the assignment and made the whole assignment confusing. Yes there were criteria sheets and a outline but still, this is was just a waste of time, to fill in another piece of assessment. It also followed the same lines of the group assignment, just adding in the idea of conflict?
Finally the final exam has been the same. After 13 weeks of heavy content load (supported by searching for missing material) we are asked to do an exam with what we can only guess will be a content overload. Dr Pekerti seemed to be very knowledgable on his content and was happy to engage with students although his teaching methods are very average. It feels as if learning content is the focus rather then applying it and I wish anybody looking to complete this course very good luck.
For a lecturer who runs a course about communication across culture he has no idea about "student culture" and its implications on communication with emphasis on teaching. Potentially a new avenue for research?
Everything else aside the course content was interesting and I was looking forward to learning the content, but I was hindered by the lack of resources given to us in relation to the incomplete slides, badly structured content and lack of lecture recordings.
Andre himself is a nice guy and willing to elaborate on points when asked and is genuinely passionate about the content he teaches, but lacks the teaching capabilities required to successfully get his points across. Maybe as a suggestion he could sit in on some Education courses and learn some new skills.
It is dissapointing that Dr Perkerti fails to realise that more than one type of learning style exists eg. visual, auditory and kinesthetic. Providing half-completed lecture slides and no lectopia recordings under the premise that it encourages students to work hard is a flawed concept. As even students that attend lectures regurlarly may like to go back and listen to lecture recordings as part of their revision proccess. Scheduling the exam for week 13 and then failing to cover the lecture maerial in time (luckliy the exam was rescheduled when the uni found out) again highlights a lack of organisation. UQ is a world reknowned tertiary institute that as a student I chose because I believed it would provide me with the greatest tools to succeed in life. I am more than happy to pay the fees that I do because I am provided with the best. That also means I expect the best and sadly in this instance that cannot be said. This could be forgiven if not for the behaviour of Dr Perkerti which was unproffesional to say the least. After receiving criticism about his methods, I received an email to my personal student email account from Dr Perkerti.
Dear ------------------------,
May I please request some candor from you. Some students have made some extreme complaints about me. They are not happy with my notes, my teaching etc. I may expect you to work hard, but that is not a bad thing. You folks did well because you worked hard…
If you are not a person who is extremely unhappy and think that I am fair lecturer. Please send me a separate e-mail commenting that what I am doing in the course is fair.
If you are not comfortable sending me the comments. You can post it on: http://uqreview.com/lecturers/andre-pekerti/
Your’s cannot be as bad as this one:
” “It seems Andre is going out of his way to make this course (IBUS3309) as difficult as possible.
> With the majority of my peers averaging a 4 for the group assignment, suggests that perhaps the assignment was vague and didn't give clear instruction to achieve an admirable result. Or perhaps the assignment was marked at an unrealistic high standard.
> Incomplete lecture slides accompanied by no lecture recordings. Talk about adding insult to injury! Not everyone has time to make every lecture, a lot of people have to work so they can afford the ridiculous costs per course.
> Final exam placed in the business end of the semester where students are busy handing in assignments for their three other subjects. What is the exam block for?
Final thoughts - Dr Andre you're a c-nt! You're a c-nt now, and you've probably always been a c-nt! And the only thing thats going to change is that you're going to become an even bigger c-nt!
Cheers c-nt.”
Thank you,
(The c-nt's were not edited in the email)
I think that highlights the outdated nature of his approach to learning and his general unprofessionalism. Futhermore, telling students to drop the course if they're unhappy with the way it is being run (after the census date) when the majority of students must complete the subject to complete their International Business major (myself included) only adds insult to injury. The personal attacks on him by some students only added fuel to the fire and thats dissapointing because it detracts from the overall issue. This course is poorly structured, with clear direction lacking when it came to completing the 3 assessment items that shared vaguely the same criteria (the tutors and andre were then suprised with the group avergae of 4 for the 1st assesment piece). I have achieved above the cohort average for all the pieces of assessment this semester and it is hard to pinpoint why but what I can say is that the structure of the assessment pieces and the direction provided by the materials were of little help. There is no doubt the Dr Perkerti understands the material well and has a passion for this academic field but sadly that does not make up for the failures of this course or his behaviour.
Easily the most disappointing course I have paid to enrol in at the University of Queensland.
I have read through each review and I reiterate all negative points made by fellow classmates. Each one is, regrettably, entirely truthful and emotion sewn into the comments demonstrates the utter lack of regard Dr. Andre Pekerti has shown for his students.
Dr. Andre Pekerti proactively goes out of his way to disadvantage each and every student that cannot attend his lectures. This is abhorrent behaviour by an employee of the University of Queensland and a teacher of any level. Throughout all his communication, he has shown to be unable to communicate effectively, impartially and without emotion.
It is disappointing to see a sudden collection of positive reviews on exactly the same day, all around midday. I reiterate another reviewer's comments that this indicates quite clearly Dr. Andre Pekerti has potentially asked students that he has favourable relations with to write biased, nepotistic and misleading reviews, in favour of himself.
Qualifications do not equate ability, nor do they make a teacher. Dr. Andre Pekerti is the strongest example of this law. I cannot stress enough - if you do not have to take this course (all International Business majors do however), then do NOT take it.
The worst lecturer I've ever had at UQ. No interest in helping his students learn, and acts like a child having a tantrum when people don't go to every lecture by refusing to record lectures, upload slides and pulling down what few materials were on blackboard right before SWOTVAC. It goes against the spirit of encouraging people to learn....a lot of people like to re-listen to lectures before exams and he's took that opportunity away from students. It's also incredibly unfair on students who rely on recordings due to clashes/disabilities etc.
It's no wonder people don't want to go to his lectures.....they're poorly structured, he's incredibly dull and disengaging. And then he has the arrogance to say 'drop the course if you don't like my teaching style' when it is a third year core course for the international business major.....it's a bit too late to change majors now.
Think it's actually quite ridiculous how people are reacting. Yes would have appreciated recordings, but other than that the course has delivered on what was expected. As for Andre, no not perfect (next time chuck up the recordings or work on your slides) but he came across like a nice enough guy. Think its a shame that people are jumping on the band wagon with no real grounds at the expense of someone's professional reputation. Yes it could have been better with resources but I have surely had worse.
I think the course this semester needs to be seen independently from reviews from previous semesters. It would seem the fact that last semester student said he gave out lots of 7s has caused him to do a complete 180...
I will agree that Andre is very qualified in his field of work and knew what he was talking about in lectures. I also thought it was good that he encouraged student interactions and contributions, however at times he came across as arrogant, and spent so much time talking about his own research and other anecdotes that it seemed he was more interested in showing off his knowledge than actually teaching it to us. This also caused us to be two weeks behind on content at one point towards the end of semester. What was even more alarming was the idea trying to catch up this late in the semester when we didn't have full lecture slides or recordings. The absence of one would be reasonable, but not having either seemed extreme. Also, when we asked him early in the semester how much of the textbook we should be studying he assured us that textbook readings were only to enhance understanding of lecture material. It has now become apparent to us that he may well have a whole question/s on a concept from the textbook that wasn't even touched on in lectures, as his practice exam question was one from the textbook. I'm not sure if he was intentionally misleading us or not, but in any case its quite unfair to reveal this to us so close to exam block (future students beware).
In all honesty, if this course wasn't compulsory for me to finish my International Business major and degree this year, I probably would have dropped out and pursued another major. This is actually what Andre suggested for students who didn't like his way of teaching or couldn't make lectures, demonstrating that he's ignorant of working students, not receptive of feedback and is so narrow-minded and/or vindictive that he believes students who complain are lazy or complaining in response to poor grades because they're not working hard enough - at least that's the feeling I got. And after discussing with classmates, it is definitely not just the students who did poorly who feel this way...
Aside from his courage in admitting his mistake with the final exam scheduling, I am quite frankly disappointed with the (somewhat) unprofessional way Andre has dealt with the feedback this semester. He had the potential to be a good educator but I, along with many of my fellow peers, feel like has really let us down. I really hate to say this is one of the least enjoyable courses I have taken at UQ.
Andre is a nice guy. I don't think he has purposely tried to hinder students, as said above he is definitely passionate about his work and with a few changes would be a great teacher. Biggest thing was the no recordings. The content was heavy in parts and having nothing to refer back to will restrict my study for the final. Only advice would be listen to the students. We're not trying to skim on the work, most cases just trying to get a good mark. I think if you redid your course next semester with same content just better materials, you would be great.
Andre is the worst lecturer I've ever had. He is so inconsiderate of students needs and only cares about his own interests. What kind of person doesn't put full slides up and doesn't put recordings up either?! It should be one or the other or both! You are a selfish man Andre and I am very suspicious of these last reviews under me all being so high and all vein written on the same day. I wen heard a tuner that you personally emailed students asking them to rate you highly??
This course hasn't been the most interesting or stimulating course I have enrolled in. In saying that, it is by no means the worst course I have taken part in. My interest doesn't lie in cross-cultural studies.
Dr Pekerti's teaching methods are firm but fair. There were no lecture recordings and incomplete lecture slides were posted however, we were told these came directly from the readings. There is a great breakdown of both the group assignment and individual essay in week 1.
The lectures are obviously well planned and drew from real world examples.
Dr Pekerti is extremely approachable, he breaks concepts down and promotes audience interaction. As someone who has worked throughout their university career I can not only relate to the lecture material but can relate to the expectations and deadlines expected in a work environment.
Overall I believe this course can be extremely useful for those wishing to pursue work in a multi cultural firm.
Took his IBUS3309 class in 2014, he was a great lecturer. Always organised and on time. Great range of knowledge about his subjects and makes his lectures interesting. Very encouraging of student feedback.
I believe Dr Pekerti to be an excellent educator and academic. His course was organised, very interesting and stimulating. I greatly enjoyed his lectures, which were both academically strong and up to date with the latest research as well as being well delivered. It was easy to see that Dr Pekerti dedicates a lot of time to preparation and development of his course materials and assessment. I feel course assessment was of the appropriate level of difficulty – this is a 3rd year Business course, it was not overly challenging or overly easy for a third year student. On a personal level, Dr Pekerti was approachable, charismatic and friendly, and he showed concern for the progress of all of his students, domestic and international. He was always very generous with his time, allocating hours for consultation and making himself available whenever possible. I was very satisfied with Dr Pekerti’s approach to teaching.
I took Dr Pekerti’s IBUS3309 Managing Across Cultures course in semester 1 2010 and found it to be one of the most enjoyable and beneficial of my BBusMan (major International Business)/BArts (extended major Japanese) degree at UQ. His lectures were conducted in a very organised and professional manner and he always used very interesting, relevant and supportive case studies to help demonstrate theories and concepts of the course. I believe that Dr Pekerti was a very fair lecturer and treated all students with the greatest respect. His course continued to challenge my way of thinking and I believe it served as a great foundation for my career in international education. In my current role as a Regional Manager, on a daily basis I am faced with various cross-cultural situations as I work with closely partners in Taiwan, Middle East, Vietnam and Latin America. Looking back, now having had direct experience in international partnership management and managing across cultures, I am even more grateful for the things I learnt during Dr Pekerti’s course.
To be honest, your lectures were very comprehensive, and the assignment was a bit of fun too ! In regards to the exam, being in week 13 and all was not ideal, with some major assignments being due. But at university you have to do what gets thrown your way. Its part of the learning experience. It is also not as if you were doing it to intentionally "mess" with the students like some seem to think. The way you taught the subject was fair and as I said, don't take it to heart. Its probably only a small minority that feel this way, and they just happen to be abusing channels meant for actual feedback.
Dr Pekerti knows his course material well and is clearly passionate about the topic. Unfortunately the majority of the student cohort finds his teaching style hinders rather than assists in the learning of the content. No recordings, incomplete lecture slides, as outlined in previous reviews - but its more his response to students that is frustrating. Telling students to "drop the course" if they dont like the way he teaches, or even deleting discussion board posts about these missing resources - Dr Pekerti seems to believe that his students are too lazy to learn when given all possible resources, and must therefore coerce them into fitting his style of teaching or simply fail the course. He scheduled the final exam for week 13 and somehow in week 11 found out this was not allowed?? How can you organise a course and not make sure the final is correct? The assignments are vague and the guides do not offer a great deal of direction - this has been reflected in the overall poor level of achievement in the group assignments. An average of a 4 is by no means indicative of the difficulty of the content being taught - students were simply not sure of what was asked of them. He's a confident speaker, well spoken and like I said, is passionate about his topics. He is certainly qualified in the area of intercultural communication and I'm sure has no shortage of ability to teach this course. However, I am also sure he received multiple student concerns re: lecture recordings/slides or ambiguity of assignments, and has had ample time to take this feedback into consideration. Only now that apparently some students have complained to higher levels, he seems to feel the pinch. As a teacher, one would hope you would be proactive in regards to feedback, not reactive when suddenly its not only the students who are taking an interest in the goings on. I have nothing against him personally, but from the perspective of a student paying for this course, I certainly felt let down.
Andre is overall nice bloke and i understand that he is trying to treat us like the mature adults that we are suppose to be but it seems that his well intentions have back fired... don't be discouraged by all the negative and rather emotions and hatred filled comments Andre! We are all humans and we all make mistakes...hang in there because aren't we Glad that God is so loving and merciful!
I appreciate your humble behaviour and your ability to admit your mistake because even most adults struggle to do that! Perhaps the course needs to be better design to suit students in workforce but overall i feel that this course is quite interesting.. i appreciate the attempt at creating cultural awareness and sensibility and i regrettably inform you that the response of the students have shown how very necessary it is!
It seems Andre is going out of his way to make this course (IBUS3309) as difficult as possible.
> With the majority of my peers averaging a 4 for the group assignment, suggests that perhaps the assignment was vague and didn't give clear instruction to achieve an admirable result. Or perhaps the assignment was marked at an unrealistic high standard.
> Incomplete lecture slides accompanied by no lecture recordings. Talk about adding insult to injury! Not everyone has time to make every lecture, a lot of people have to work so they can afford the ridiculous costs per course.
> Final exam placed in the business end of the semester where students are busy handing in assignments for their three other subjects. What is the exam block for?
Dr. Andre was a great lecturer, easy to approach, and just an all around cool guy. He didnt appear intolerant of international students at all
Dr Pekerti is probably the worst professor I have ever had at UQ.
The course was extremely poorly structured and very difficult to follow. Andre was arrogant and often belligerent.
I honestly believe that Andre Pekerti has failed as an educator. I would highly recommend avoiding his courses.
I would have thought that being a third year subject we would be past the petty first year antics of not recording lectures or uploading incomplete lecture slides to Blackboard but apparently not. Andre did both of these. The majority of the content covered in lectures was not in the textbook either so at times it was difficult to follow key concepts when more than half of the material was missing from the lecture slides.
Andre's lecturing style also left a lot to be desired. At times he was hard to follow and too much time was taken up by anecdotes or unrelated content. Generally, it appears that Andre has some sort of vendetta on those who do not or cannot make it to his lectures and is willing to go out of his way to disadvantage these same people.
Andre was a extremely ordinary lecturer and course coordinator. Lecturers were poorly structured, dull and didn't seem to have a clear progression. He refused on several occasions to post complete lecture slides, and proceeded to remove all course content from Blackboard 2 days before the exam, a move I found at best inconsiderate and at worst petty and vindictive towards students.
Assessment was okay - I found it reasonably easy to get decent marks. Content is pretty standard International Business and you won't struggle if you have done many management courses before.
Did not find him very engaging or interesting.
Hands out 7's like candy though. The content was easy but pretty poorly organised IMO.
Not a great teacher.
Off putting and intolerant of international students like myself.
The course was very easy though. Almost everyone received a distinction or high distinction.