

Total average


Helpfulness ( 92.6 )
Clarity ( 88.4 )
Easiness ( 88.8 )
Approachability ( 92.4 )
Organisation ( 99 )
Availability ( 90.3 )

Reviews (14)

Associate Professor Peter Sutton 29.7

I can only blame him for how trash he made the course. Comes to class with a tonne of diagrams talks about them as if we have a PhD in those diagrams, by the time you start to understand the diagrams you forget what he was saying about them and he changes the slide. After the mid sem he comes with the hardest questions on the exam (the ones people had most trouble with) and goes through each before you can even take up your pencil.

Which course did you take? (e.g. MGTS1301)


  • Was organised
  • Does not spend more than 2 seconds explaining something everyone got wrong
  • Talks about the sides as if everyone memorised each one before class
Posted on July 18, 2019 2:05 pm
Associate Professor Peter Sutton 100.0

Honestly one of the best lecturers I've ever had. The amount of effort Peter puts into teaching is absolutely extraordinary. He puts on extra review lectures during swotvac which are recorded, he actively responds to questions on piazza, and be explains concepts well. He also makes sure to put in real work (©) examples wherever possible (eg. He uses Intel chips ad examples alot).

The way the course is set out is amazing even, with learning labs beinf incredibly helpful. Not to mention how much work it would be write base code for a project that a bunch of Sexond hears can understand and use.

Even posting the median and mean if quizzes and the distribution of marks so quickly after assesment is amazing.

He is a bit boring to listen to sometimes, but I think that's also partially the course content.

Which course did you take? (e.g. MGTS1301)


  • Incredibly organised and an amazing teacher
  • Can easily be watched on 1.5 speed
  • He doesn't awkwardly force the crowd to answer questions
  • A bit boring sometimes
Posted on June 7, 2019 3:30 pm
Associate Professor Peter Sutton 100.0

Peter Sutton runs the best course at UQ and deserves to be known as one of the best lecturers/course coordinators.

Which course did you take? (e.g. MGTS1301)


Positives No positive points
Negatives No negative points
Posted on May 13, 2018 8:00 pm
Associate Professor Peter Sutton 57.0

God knows how this guy is one of the best rated lecturers at UQ, CSSE2010 is a reasonably interesting course, but it's really different to actually sustain any amount of focus during his lectures because of just how monotonous and dull his voice is. He comes around to the pracs and helps out, which is great, but listening to him talk about what registers do what for 50 minutes at a time will drive you nuts. Bonus is that because of how slow he is, you can watch the recordings at double speed on the Sunday night before the quiz is due.

Which course did you take? (e.g. MGTS1301)


  • Well organised, helpful
  • Boring af
Posted on July 23, 2017 5:35 pm
Associate Professor Peter Sutton 100.0

Peter Sutton is one of the two best lecturers at UQ (the other one is poh) in my opinion. He is also one of the very few lecturers who not only excel in their area of study, but can also explain relevant concepts clearly to students as well. Peter's lectures are a pleasure to attend (even tho i didnt go to many due to the poor lecture timing), he will make the most boring material come to life.


Which course did you take? (e.g. MGTS1301)


  • Knows his stuff
  • Cares about student
  • Explains stuff so well
  • lack of human cloning machine to produce more Peter Sutton
  • Make all other lectueres look bad
  • not my dad
Posted on June 19, 2016 9:49 pm
Nicholas Achilles
Associate Professor Peter Sutton 100.0

Peter Sutton is by far the most well prepared, knowledge and enthusiastic lecturer I have ever had the pleasure of encountering at University. His articulation of course content is so preceise and clear that I found myself not only learning, but also enjoying myself during the co-horts collective time with him.

His input into CSSE2310 was a very welcome break from the usual personality of Dr Joel Fenwick.

Which course did you take? (e.g. MGTS1301)


  • He is a true teacher
  • Incredibly articulate
  • His programs are as flawless as his knowledge
  • He doesn't teach many other courses
Posted on November 10, 2015 7:24 pm
Associate Professor Peter Sutton 100.0

This Prof is great, he understands people, and can explain concepts really well.
He puts in the maximum amount of effort, is classes are well thought out, and through.
He understands that not all students attend lectures, and records lectures, he uses a stylist also, so anything he writes down is recorded on the slide.

This Prof learning materials are extensive, and deep. You will learn from Peter!

Which course did you take? (e.g. MGTS1301)

CSSE2310, ENGG2800

  • Provides all the resources - so you can learn
  • a true teacher
  • knowledgeable
  • he is busy, may not have much personal contact
Posted on January 12, 2015 10:33 am
Thomas King
Associate Professor Peter Sutton 100.0

Best lecturer I've ever had. Super hard working, answers student questions at all hours, provides superb course learning material, proportionately challenging assignments.

This man made me the programmer I am today.

Which course did you take? (e.g. MGTS1301)

COMP2303, CSSE1000

  • Flawlessly logical
  • Incredibly hard working
  • Actually cares
Negatives No negative points
Posted on December 23, 2014 1:23 pm
Associate Professor Peter Sutton 100.0

Peter Sutton is the best lecturer I've ever had and I've been at uni 5+ years. He does everything right. He works very hard and it shows in his course preparation. CSSE2010 was a challenging course with tough material but Peter's teaching made it enjoyable, interesting and achievable.

Which course did you take? (e.g. MGTS1301)


  • Humble
  • Gives 110%
Negatives No negative points
Posted on November 25, 2014 2:08 pm
Associate Professor Peter Sutton 100.0

Reliably arrived on time and delivered content in an engaging manner, always taking time to gauge the classes understanding of new material. The experience was enhanced by his pristine white trousers and soothing voice.

Which course did you take? (e.g. MGTS1301)


  • Punctual
  • Engaging
  • Clear
Negatives No negative points
Posted on July 18, 2014 4:00 pm
Associate Professor Peter Sutton 100.0

The best UQ Lecturer I've had. Punctual, smart, easy to understand; this guy was born to lecture. He seems like a humble guy. I can tell from his voice. Honestly though, he has a knack for producing the perfect analogies, teaching the core of a concept without any padding, being confident in his knowledge and just being able to portray information super efficiently. You can see the guy enjoys the subject too despite his slightly monotonic voice. He's very accommodating to students, always updates them about any changes to anything including his office availability. Lastly and possibly most importantly, the dude pumps out sample/practice/learning materials like a machine. He will gather everything useful and collate it faster than Google and throw it onto Blackboard. It's a godsend near SWOTVAC.

Which course did you take? (e.g. MGTS1301)


  • Natural Born Lecturer
  • Provides lots of extra material
  • Just a real stand-up guy
  • No clones have been made to teach other courses
Posted on July 14, 2014 9:32 pm
Associate Professor Peter Sutton 100.0

Excellent lecturer, the best I have had. He has always made himself available to tend to the needs of students. His teaching style during lectures is awesome always travels at a steady pace and delivers the course content in such a simple way it appears simple. He is routinely on blackboard giving announcements of due assessment and general course feedback. Marks are almost immediate for every piece of assessment I did with him. All learning content is always made available with extras being included on difficult topics. He seems to have an endless amount of knowledge about CSSE related topics instead of just teaching what he is just meant to be taught he links into further courses that can be taken. I wish he did more courses as I thoroughly enjoyed learning from him.

Which course did you take? (e.g. MGTS1301)


  • Hand gestures
  • Punctuality
  • He only teaches one CSSE subject
Posted on June 23, 2014 3:07 pm
Associate Professor Peter Sutton 100.0

Incredible lecturer. He just teaches everything very well and the lecture structures are consistent, easy to follow and concise. He does small examples during the lecturers on the slides, does clicker questions and explains the answers to those well, answers all questions that may not be strictly related to the course but still very interesting. His lecture slides are always available both unaltered and with the connotations from the lectures.

His lectures are refreshing, 10/10.

Which course did you take? (e.g. MGTS1301)


  • Explains content wonderfully
  • Answers questions in detail
  • Seems like a cool guy
  • He doesn't teach my other courses
Posted on June 4, 2014 10:13 pm
Jace Galvin
Associate Professor Peter Sutton 100.0

Probably the best lecturer/course coordinator/person at UQ.

Taught the content extremely well with his clean cut, systematic approach to teaching.

Coding and organisational skills that border on the supernatural.

All resources and code posted to blackboard very soon after the lecture.

Which course did you take? (e.g. MGTS1301)


  • Velvety voice, easy to understand
  • Content taught EXTREMELY well
  • Near perfect coding style
  • Doesn\'t teach all of the CSSE courses
Posted on June 3, 2014 1:33 pm

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